Thursday, November 30, 2017

Inside Track and Field News

In a series of reading articles, here is a good one that is often overlooked.
Please read this and think how it applies to your training as we get into different phases of the season

Every athlete and every coach understands that hard work is a key to success. Athletes looking for an edge will train harder in an effort to outwork their opponents, teams going through a slump will try to “train their way out of it” by ramping up practices and workouts, and many athletes view working to exhaustion and beyond as a badge of courage and a sign of ultimate commitment.
But there’s another component of athletic success that’s too often overlooked, and that’s recovery. When athletes do too much or coaches push too hard, the regimen eventually becomes counterproductive–the body wasn’t designed to work without adequate rest. 

Rest and Recovery

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Not over yet!

The Cross Country season is not over quite yet!

Have you turned in your you don't get fined?

Did you go to Kansas for Rim Rock...or Arizona? Do you own a bunch of money for trips? Plan on our 25 lap runathon.....its a Run Raiser to help raise some money for YOU and these trips. If you don't add to this money, the total will be posted in December to your IC account and then you can pay online only.

The fundraiser runathon can be 25 laps (or 6.2 miles) on your boring for you huh? OR....get up to 5 people and form a team. ...5 runners run 5 laps each or alternate laps, until your team has completed the 25 laps.  You need a form from Coach....or on the website...Ask...friends, family, parent co workers, doctors, business in Parker or use social media to reach out. You are raising money for a team sponsorship for the amazing opportunity to run an out of state competition.

We will meet on the track on Thursday November 9th at 3:30 and begin around 3:50pm

Invite your friends to form teams too.....if they help raise money for you

AWARDS NIGHT: The season can't end until we give out our awards.....
We have 25 letter award winners/ Posted on the team spreadsheet 2017
We also have MVP, Coaches, and Titan awards, plus a few other special recognitions

We are planning a dinner....and a slideshow that we would like to start at 6:05, so please be here in the commons by 6pm. We will have an RSVP sent out soon