Congratulations! You found the BLOG
This is a place that you can get info from the coaches, important meeting notes and research articles and motivation....Please check....reply if you wish....I will send reminders also
A) What makes a good runner? Think and Train Philosophy This I Believe
Read the document above.....Why do we train the way we do? Think like a runner!
B) Bus or No Bus: Please fill this out when asked! It is important when scheduling our bus. We want all runners to be together as much as possible, form the start of the meet until the end. We know this will not always be possible...We want and EXPECT to support each other....EVERYONE!
C) Fundraising: YES we DO. This is important for everyone. We do not ask for as much money up front to be part of this team as other programs. A team expectation is that we all help support the entire team with funds to help with replacement equipment, team functions and events, entry fees, and to support our out of state trips too!
YOU NEED 15-20 GOOD EMAILS by Tuesday Sept 4th. You also need a good selfie head shot to make an account. I will send that link out very soon
D) The KU Trip! A Tradition! For the past 4 or 5 years, we have made a varsity/jv travel trip to Kansas! It has been our philosophy for LTXC that trips provide a great learning and running experience. We leave on Thursday Sept 20th and race on Friday OR Saturday Sept 19/20. We take a charter bus and leave from the meet on Saturday and arrive back on Saturday night around 10pm
We invite the top 24 (12 boys and 12 girls) to be part of this trip. The trip does involve a cost and that is usually around $400 that covers the bus and the hotel and fee's. If you decide to be part of this event, you will be responsible for the bus cost regardless of other travel plans. The only way we can keep the costs down is to split among the 24 participants. If someone can't go, then we will ask the next runner. The list will be update following the Races on Sept 1st
More info .....soon....Any questions, talk or email the Coaches!