Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas. Enjoy your break! Make sure to sign up for Clash Camp and Track Remind (see website). Hopefully we will have some "drop by" days over the 2 weeks. I will announce on remind if we can plan some track or weight room days after Dec 25rh
As we enter our 11th Track and Field Season, we have been overdue for a couple of items, which costs our program money $$. These include:
New Blocks and a Cart
a New (very cool) Team Tent!
A new (Planned) PV Pit to replace the original from 2009
A new (planned) School Record Board for the Gym (Its time we recognize our programs and achievements !!
We also pay 2 coaches from our fundraising
The items listed above will cost our program over $ 25,000 and that will not include entry fee's or transportation
We still have student athletes that need to pay for previous trips. Those trips are funded by YOU but the school picks up the tab for some of the entry fee's and meals and in some cases hotel as well.
With a year of upgrading now, we are going to be tight and we are going to be behind in raising money to cover these costs. If we wait...we seem to always be in waiting ....etc. These upgrades are over due and we are still using a lot of old equipment from 10 years ago.
With that being said.......
We will not plan a trip to Arizona this year.
At least not in a way that we have before. One reason is that we only have a handful of athletes that showed interest and the Charter Bus does cost us $9700. That would be $405 if we had 24 commitments. So the cost would be $550-600. Over the past 2 years, we have had only 18-20 kids.
There is a possibility for a select few that may be willing to pay for the trip through airfare. The bottom line is that the school is going to be in major fundraising mode and can't afford the extra expenses. We are currently seeking sponsors to help too.
We have had some help with Mr. Boley and our school, but this is a year we need to cut back on future expenses. We will ALL help participate in fundraising this spring that will support our operational expenses. I hope that all makes sense with those of you that have helped or enjoyed those trips.
If you have questions or want to discuss how to help, please see Coach Miller
We are very excited about our Track Clash Club and our Spring Season!!
Have a well deserved break from school and get out and do some running and/or training.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!