Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How can you help WE>ME

Yes it is true.
The team performs better by being a TEAM and not just a group of individuals. To maintain our culture, routines, as well as participating in the types of events that make us unique, we need a working foundation. That foundation cost us our funds.....to maintain and grow our TEAM

Expenses like entry fee's   about $150 per week
Uniforms ranging from year to year but also to replace old out of date uniforms
Transportation...The district does help for part of this
Equipment....varies. This supports our pancake run and when we need to host an event
Titan gear like bags and warmups or swag...which is currently supported by spirit sales
.....Most of all Trips or special events....AND an awards dinner or ceremony at the end of the season.
Sometimes this money will help a runner in need for trips or participation and sometimes we can pay extra coaches or volunteers.

This all takes it toll on our budget. The only money we get is $100 of the $185 required.
Each year we have a fundraising month to help support this effort. In the past we have used Snapraise which only allows us to keep 70% of the donations. We are switching to Go Fund Me. which has a greater percentage of donations kept for the team.

In order for this to actually result in more funds...WE NEED ALL OF YOUR HELP

We ask you to email 10 or more real names or text the link to them. These need to be real possible donations. Friends, family and maybe even community members or businesses. Remember the doctor and dentist, ect....or a small business owner. Don't just make it up. Remember to have value to the TEAM we all need to make an effort. We will reward our top 3 earners with some spirit gear items of their choice. If we truly value the team, please help us out to show that WE>ME

For those of you that want your donations to help with your trip to Kansas or possibly ARIZONA then send as many as you can. For those that did not like snapraise...here is your chance to make more money for our team!

Please send the link on facebook, twitter, re share on email...snapchat, instagram instatwit and facegram or any of those social media sites!! The power of sharing is amazing. Lets keep this going to reach our goal of $100 per runner or over $7.000 or more... Show your power!

If you have questions, please check in with the coaches!

We want to focus on this fundraiser until October 1st. Remember its easy....just put in a few minutes and you won't sell anything but support from those that love and support you!!

Go Team XC 17

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