Thursday, December 14, 2017

Welcome Back to LT Blog

Hello and I hope this finds you all well as you prepare for the ''break" and getting ready for Finals!!

Please check often or at least when I send you this link....workouts, ideas and articles that will benefit you as athletes. This is good info and important for all event!!

Today- please think about the focus of Winter Season......GSM, LM, SAM
This is all about General Strength Mobility
Lunge Matrix
or Strength and Mobility SAM

If you ever find yourself on a day when you can't run or want to spice up your fitness...Do these
This is maybe as or more important than 150's, starts or jumps or even a distance day. Try 2-3 days per week to get started

We will refer to this as the GSM or SAM

Also: Good article on Speed development

and a video series that shows more of what we do as well as many of the top high school and elite programs. Sometimes its the little things that make a big difference. Of course....reading is one get your rear into gear!

Look back here for some winter workouts over break too!

Good Luck on Finals and use your time to stay on top of your training...find a workout partner to keep you motivated!!

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