Sunday, May 31, 2020

June Running DAY ONE! Groups

Summer Virtual Running Camp
In General…..
GROUP 1: Top Dogs
These are 2nd – 4th year runners, who normally ran track or have been running 3-5 days a week in the past 4 weeks.
Many of these runners also ran XC last year and train at least 6 months consistently during the year.
Max weekly Mileage would be…..Boys 40-60 miles per week depending on type of runner and AGE of runner. Girls who run 30-45 miles per week MAX.
NOTE: These are NOT what you are running now…..
Starting the summer….Boys would run 25-30 miles in week 1
Girls would be running 15-25 miles in week 1
IF YOU ARE NOT….then it is expected you would start the summer at group 2

Group 2 Runners
First year runners OR those who only run XC and not track OR…Have not run consitsently at least 3 days a week over the past 4 weeks
Mileage in week one may be 15-25 miles per week for both boys and girls

Group 3 Runners:
 Novice or beginners….OR those that have not run any or very little mileage over the past month
Goal is running 20 mins per day….3-4 days the first week

Some workout require 4 groups. Grouping can change week to week based on many factors including age, experience and common sense!
Summer running is mileage building!
Week one, Day one
Group 1: Get out. Drills! (Do you remember?) 4-5 miles at an easy comfortable training pace! Strides and Planks! Mrytle will be added too….LOG YOUR MILEAGE
Group 2…..Drills……3 miles or 25 minutes…strides
Group 3…..Find a place and a watch….Run for 15-20 mins

More later.....

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