It's Open!!
Now is the time to register for the upcoming 2017 Track Season!!
Go to --> Legend HS Athletic Page---> Then find the REGISTRATION TAB
Then choose Spring Track 2017
to register_
Read Carefully!
If you have not been on a team this year, you will have to create a "sports engine" account. Please include all relevant info such as email addresses and phone numbers. The coaches will send out emails in a group format about once or twice per week. Our athletes will also be part of a Remind Text alert program so they will receive practice and meet info or coaches communications
The payment will be $185 plus $40 which will include a team hoody for them to wear and KEEP for the season. The total at the end will be $225. This is an increase of base fee based on the DCSD required increase that helps support coaches, expenses, and the overall athletic programs in the district. This amount is still far less than some other HS programs and/or club costs. If you feel you pcan't afford this in one lump sum, please contact Coach Miller or Ms. Delay in the Athletic office.
Once you have paid the fee and completed the required paper work (PHYSICAL on file), then you will see Ms. Delay and receive a "blue" card to give to the coach. This needs to be done by February 27th. Don't wait till the last day, as lines will be long. We don't want anyone missing practice for not getting the requirements out of the way
PARENT MEETING: LIBRARY- March 1st 6:30 pm
Shoe Night: MARCH 2ND -- Optional at Runners Roost Lone Tree....5-7 pm (Pizza and drinks too)
There is a discount for athletes and parents on shoes this night. RR also gives us a donation back based on the number of shoes purchased. Runners Roost has a great staff and can answer many questions.
If you can't make it then....just drop in. Many teams will have shoe nights during that week
Another option is the RNK Running store in Stroh Ranch (King Soopers lot area)
Trent is the manager and is great to work with as well. Just make sure to mention LEGEND and he will take care of you
All sprinters will want a racing spiked shoe. Shoes are different depending on your event. Beginning runners should just get a basic sprint shoe. The coaches can help you decide before you go. Please check with us
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