Monday, June 17, 2019

Summer Running Camp Plans Week 3    June 17th

Soon we will create a link for this, but summer camp is fairly simple. Just build a foundation of running minutes, then miles. We will mix in a few pace workouts along the way.

Don't get too much in a rush to get miles or minutes in....but also challenge yourself based on your experience with running and your recent running over the past few weeks. Also your age is an important factor.. As you get older and stronger you can handle more. Conversations about your mileage should be with your coaches

Level 1 Group
For those who are older and/or experienced. Regardless of your 5k time.
Monday- Normal Run Day...30-40 mins
Tuesday- recovery pace with a dash of fartlek or tempo mixed in
Wednesday- Longer Run of 35-45 mins (some are ready for 50 mins)
For Summer this is typically the longest run of the week
Thursday: Travel Day WEEK 3 has been suggested to carpool to Miller Rec Center _ Mini Incline in Castle Rock...more info at practice
Friday- Same as monday with short hills
Saturday Rest or on your own 30 mins

New Runners!
Start with minutes of running...
20-35 mins....make running comfortable and reduce the mins from level one. Find a running friend and listen to your body tell you if you can do more or need to back off. Summer is FUN

Get your strava account!
Workout for Final Surge coming in August

ASK and Communicate ANYTHING......We are here to guide you along the way. After increasing for 2 weeks in a row, it is fine to have a down week before adding more minutes to your week

So far....very excited at your progress!!!

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